Easy Tips for Improving the Appearance of Surgical Scars

Easy Tips for Improving the Appearance of Surgical Scars

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No matter what your reason for undergoing surgery, there is always the potential for surgical scarring. Some patients may even be more prone to the development of scars than others.  No matter how skilled your plastic surgeon or how small your incision, it is important to be aware of this risk prior to undergoing any procedure.

body-fat-transferDr. Hruza and the entire team at the Laser and Dermatologic Surgery Center take careful steps to manage your cosmetic surgery and minimize your potential for scarring. However, it is incumbent upon all of our patients to disclose their complete health histories prior to deciding to undergo treatment. Information that may not seem vital to you could mean the difference between a large surgical scar and a successful, and beautiful recovery.

One prime example of this is the use of tobacco. Patients who continue to smoke or use other tobacco products prior to surgery and during the recovery period are risking dangerous scarring or even the death of healthy tissue around their incision.

For less dramatic issues with scarring, and for those patients who would like to use over the counter products to smooth and remove the appearance of their scars, we recommend using products such as Mederma, Scar Guard or Dermatix. Prescription products such as bioCorneum+ are also effective at flattening and smoothing surgical scars. This drug also reduces the itching and discoloration that may result from a healing incision.

If you are concerned about healing after your upcoming surgery and would like to discuss your recovery options, contact Dr. Hruza and his staff for more information today.