What’s the Difference Between BOTOX® and Dysport®?

What’s the Difference Between BOTOX® and Dysport®?

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BOTOX® is the classic wrinkle-relaxing treatment that patients have been using since the early 2000s to soften the appearance of unwanted facial lines. The injectable is still considered by many to be the most effective way of targeting dynamic wrinkles, but it’s no longer the only option. Since its development, a range of newer botulinum toxin-type injectables has hit the shelves. That means patients have options. It’s always best to discuss potential treatments with an experienced injector, who will help you determine whether to choose BOTOX® or Dysport®. St. Louis-area patients may have a preference for one brand over another, but it never hurts to be informed. In this post, we outline some of the major differences and similarities between two popular wrinkle-fighting injections.

First, let’s explore what these two injectables have in common. As mentioned above, BOTOX® and Dysport® both contain botulinum toxin. This is a chemical that has the ability to temporarily reduce contractions in facial muscles. Although the word “toxin” might initially make some people squeamish, the botulinum toxin that these injectables contain is a very small amount, heavily diluted.

BOTOX® and Dysport® are both injected directly into the targeted muscles. The process usually only takes a few minutes, and patients are free to return to their activities after a treatment session, without the need to set aside recovery time. Both treatments are designed to address wrinkles that occur from repetitive motions that cause your skin to be pulled or squeezed over and over—such as when smiling, squinting, or frowning. Results are temporary, lasting for roughly three to four months.

Now, the differences: BOTOX® and Dysport® each have a unique formulation, with BOTOX® generally being the more potent of the two. Dysport® is more diluted and works better to smooth out larger areas, though more of it may be needed to achieve comparable results. Dysport® also has a faster onset of just 24 hours, compared to three to five days for BOTOX®. Unlike BOTOX®, which is FDA approved for frown lines, forehead lines, and crow’s feet, Dysport® is only approved for frown lines. Patients who have developed a “resistance” to BOTOX® often start using Dysport® as an alternative.

Really, there is no “right” treatment for every person. What works best for you may not be ideal for someone else. The most important thing is choosing a qualified and experienced injector to help decide which option to take.

Want to discover more about how Dysport® compares to BOTOX®? Our team at The Laser & Dermatologic Surgery Center is available to answer any questions you have about wrinkle treatments. To request a consultation, call us directly at (314) 878-3839 or fill in a contact form to get started.