Fotofacial RF Laser Treatment

Fotofacial RF Laser Treatment

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What are FotoFacial RF™ Treatments?

FotoFacial RF™ treatments are full face, neck, hands, or body treatments using Intense Pulsed Light and Radiofrequency energy combined in the same pulse. These gentle, minimal downtime treatments are used to improve the cosmetic appearance of the face, neck, or body. The FotoFacial RF™ is the next generation in high-tech skin enhancement.

Are you a good candidate for the treatments?

FotoFacial RF™ treatments are beneficial in the treatment of the following cosmetic skin concerns of the face and body.

  1. Rosacea, flushing, redness, ruddy complexion, broken capillaries and spider veins of the face. All these “Pink” vascular-based conditions of the skin improve on average between 50-70% with FotoFacial RF™ treatments.
  2. Sunspots, age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma, cholasma, mask of pregnancy, and multiple freckles. All these “Brown,” melanin based conditions of skin improve, on average, 50-70% with FotoFacial RF™ treatments.
  3. Chronic sun damage and photoaging improves by 50-75%.
  4. Sun damage and aging signs for the hands, neck, and chest skin can be improved by 50-75%.
  5. Wrinkles and skin laxity. Unlike other more basic forms of photorejuvenation, the FotoFacial RF™, with its synergy of simultaneous intense pulsed light and powerful radiofrequency produces industry leading non-ablative wrinkle and skin laxity improvements.

What results might I expect from the treatments?

Almost all patients notice a consistent improvement in the appearance of their skin. The degree of improvement is gradual and persistent over the 15-18 week program and 5 FotoFacial RF™ treatments. The noticeable and significant changes that have been reported include: improvement in pink and brown blemishes, sun damage, age spots, pore size, acne scarring and wrinkles. The degree of improvement can vary but averages 50-70% improvement in anything that is pink and vascular or brown and melanin in nature. The improvement in fine to moderate wrinkles, acne scarring, skin texture irregularities, laxity and smoothness is 25-50%.

How long will the skin enhancement effects last?

At the completion of the program, the skin will have achieved a noticeable and consistent degree of improvement. Occasionally, some patient’s desire an even greater degree of improvement and these patients will sign up for additional treatments. Most patients want to maintain the results and may elect to undergo individual maintenance treatments a couple of times a year.

How are the treatments performed?

The treatments are simple, office based treatments. The patient is covered with a thin layer of cooling gel and the entire face, chest, hands or arms are treated with a gentle pulse of light and radiofrequency energy. Each treatment takes about 30 minutes and involves pulses of bright visible light and radiofrequency energy that are passed into the skin. Because each treatment is gentle, most patients require 5-6 treatments to see the desired results and they are performed every three weeks. Immediately after the treatment, some patients may experience mild redness and swelling. On rare occasions, a blister or a bruise may occur. In certain skin types, a microdermabrasion is performed between treatments to enhance the penetration of the light and radiofrequency energy.


Before Treatment

  1. Do not use retinoic acid (Retin A, Renova, Tazorac, etc.) or glycolic acid products two days prior to treatment.
  2. Do not wear make-up day of treatment.
  3. Do not have any sun exposure or tan.
  4. Apply LMX (topical anesthetic) to treatment areas 1 hour before appointment.

After Treatment

  1. Avoid direct sunbathing and wear a hat and use sunblock with transparent zinc oxide and a SPF of at least 30.
  2. Wash with a gentle cleanser and use tepid, not hot water.
  3. Apply cool compresses as needed.
  4. All topical products may be resumed after redness has subsided.

For emergencies at night or during the weekend, call (314) 878-3839, leave a message and the doctor will contact you shortly thereafter.

Contact us to schedule a consultation at our St. Louis, MO office today.